Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Boys and Girls

So we went to the pool today. It's always an adventure with Eli and Alex. Eli is my well-mannered, well-behaved first born. He prefers playing with others but is quite content playing by himself. Alex, on the other hand, while very sweet, loving, and well-mannered..... Well, let's just say he likes to get into things. Today, while at the pool, Alex found some tween-aged girls and made a bee-line for them. Of course they gave him all the attention he was looking for, each time he cut between them to climb out of the water..before jumping right back in! How funny it is to watch a 2 year old mack on tween-age girls!!! I think we're gonna have our hands full, but I think it's gonna be a fun ride!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Greg Ditmore Photography 1st Blog

Welcome to the first Blog entry for Greg Ditmore Photography! This is just one of the exciting changes being made to our web presence. The other change is a complete overhaul of the main website which will occur over the next month or so. I hope this is a place where feel welcome and you will follow the journey we are undertaking. I will be posting photos shortly after each shoot. I will also try to include just a bit of background on the subjects and relay any misadventures that may have taken place as well. So please check back often as this will be a place that I can update frequently. Take your shoes off, stay a while, and thank you for visiting.

Boys and Girls

blah blah blah