Friday, August 14, 2009


More and more I relish the time I get to spend with my family on the weekends. Sometimes we have adventures planned and other times we run some errands and go to the pool. No matter what we do, it's always FUN! I jokingly tell my wife that had I known how much fun kids were I would've had some years ago! Well, the truth of the matter is that I had to wait until I met her to have these particular little ones that bring me so much joy. There are few things in life any better than an unexpected kiss or hug from little lips and arms. This weekend we've tentatively planned to do some new family portraits. We've been so busy that our BIG family portrait in the living room still hasn't been updated with little brother! He doesn't know it but it bothers my wife and I. So...hopefully a new update this weekend with new pics of the family! Until next time, keep you feet in the clouds, your head on your shoulders, and enjoy the ride!

Boys and Girls

blah blah blah