Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 2010...finally able to get out and shoot!

Ok, so this post is WAY overdue. I promise to post more consistently this year starting.....NOW! The holiday season was wonderful at my house and we seem to be surviving all the snow. I am really looking forward to Spring. I enjoy the seasons and find that
I am ready for the changes when they occur. I am so over Winter though. We had a great weekend last week and the warmer temperatures made me really long for Spring. We were able to go outside and shoot some new pics in Market Square and that gave me some newfound energy. I love the warm weather. I like to get outside and play ball with my boys. I love going to the zoo with the family. I can't wait for the days to get longer. I hope you enjoy today's offering and I promise to have more new photos soon. Thanks for checking out the blog and hurry back!

Boys and Girls

blah blah blah